The Ban Is Lifted!: Too Many Americans are Dying by Guns

This book was done for hope, to look at our crisis here in America. Mass Shootings: in schools, work places, shopping malls,
concerts and religious services. People are dying by guns, can America solve this problem? Yes! They Ban Blacks from having guns. Black-on-black violence. Police killing of unarmed black men.


Black Victimization by White Criminals

Do You Want To Be A Slave?

Take it Down

American Grievance

Judge Yourself


Yaa, Allah I Can’t Do This by Myself


Ahmad Abdul Haqq is a prolific author known for his thought-provoking works spanning eight titles, such as ‘Black Victimization by White Criminals’ and ‘Judge Yourself.’ With a keen focus on social justice, personal growth, and spirituality, Haqq’s writings inspire introspection and positive action. His books offer a unique blend of insight and advocacy, challenging readers to confront societal issues and embrace empowerment.

Ahmad Abdul Haqq

Book Author

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